The Importance Of Branding

Of all your business organisation’s assets the one that is perhaps overlooked, but is most important, is your corporate brand! Your brand image is what identifies your business, what makes you instantly recognisable to the customers, and therefore encourages sales and business growth, and what sets you apart from competitors. Your company brand headlines and supports all your marketing and advertising strategies, vehicles, and events. Branding, regardless of the corporate arena in which your company operates, will build a distinctive and reputable image, whether it is a new business start-up or an established name and company – here are some aspects of business branding for you to consider:

Influences Purchasing Decisions:

Among the many benefits of branding is that a well-known and established brand can often be the deciding factor in making a customer choose a purchase – many brands are associated with quality in their specific field but, more importantly, to many consumers, the brand will convey reliability and consistency! Your brand gives your business an identity that extends beyond the actual product or service your business provides, whilst also making your business memorable and setting it apart from other businesses providing a similar product.

Brand Development 

In any competitive corporate marketplace you need your business to stand out from your competitors – you need to make yourself be seen and heard above the others – investing in brand development will achieve that by creating an association of your brand in people’s minds. A good example of brand image at its most influential is when a product becomes referred to by a manufacturer’s name rather than the item itself – for many years people referred to a vacuum cleaner as a hoover – whether the cleaner was actually made by Hoover or a completely different manufacturer!


Consistency of presentation is the key to effective brand development – a consistent image that instantly identifies your brand and business and that people immediately recognise. Your brand name acts as a symbol of the quality and reliability of your company’s delivery of such and becomes synonymous with a particular product or service.

Target Audience

Your business will only be successful if you can attract and retain customers – developing your branding will help achieve that! By identifying a target audience, you can more easily tailor your branding to appeal to that specific sector of the marketplace – knowing your customers will allow you to offer them the personalised experience they want and therefore create a resonance with them that leads to brand awareness, recognition, trust and, importantly, revenue!

Your Customers 

You want your brand to be unique, but at the same time to be associated with certain generic characteristics of any successful product or service – aspects such as quality and reliability, so you should focus on your target clientele and address what their specific problems and requirements may be and create an appropriate product to cater for them. Always remember though, that when building a recognisable and successful brand, the quality of the product and service you provide must then be of the standard required – people will associate your brand with their own personal experiences of it, so having a strong brand development campaign will be more harmful than productive if your product or service is substandard or poor quality.


Branding is a perpetual process as it never stops – your target customer base and the marketplace in general is forever evolving and changing so your brand image and strategy must change along with it to keep pace with competitors.  Brand development, when properly conceived and implemented, can be a very powerful and valuable business tool – it guides consumers in their thoughts about the credibility, and therefore the quality, of your business based simply on your branding alone! People’s perception of your brand is what shapes your corporate reputation – that is the association that an individual has in their mind regarding your brand, so branding is critical to a business because of the overall impact and influence it makes on your company!

The Benefits Of Using Posters For Advertising

Shine Graphic Design Artwork Print PDF Poster

Poster printing has long been a popular option for businesses to market their products and services to potential and existing customers. Whereas once it had proven to be a somewhat expensive printing option, because of the costs of initial set-up and design, making it restrictive to smaller businesses, updated digital poster printing methods have reduced those overheads dramatically and made poster printing a viable and affordable option for any business to access. Here are some benefits of poster printing for you to consider:


Printed posters can be used to promote businesses, services, and events from many locations. A well-designed poster can convey information to many people over an extended period and prominently and strategically placed, a poster in an area of high footfall can attract attention and create an initial impression to potential customers for your business, product, or event. Place your posters at eye-level height wherever feasible – you want to attract the attention of the casual passer-by, so the more prominent your posters are to the average eye-line the more likely your message will register with them. Poster printing is cheap and therefore easy to replace or update when relevant or necessary. They are ideal for long-term advertising as a constant brand reinforcement tool and form impressive hanging displays at specific events or venues.


Poster printing is one of the most affordable forms of advertising – even the larger sized posters are affordable to print, especially with the progress in digital printing which allows for short-run printing to be ordered at short notice.


In all businesses, marketing and advertising are essential – and in a fast-paced and ever-changing marketplace it is easy to find that the marketing materials and campaign you launched six months ago, perhaps at great expense, is already outdated and your customers or clients already have different requirements! An outdated marketing campaign is ineffective – but the ease and affordability of a popular poster printing campaign allows you to react quickly and effectively to the different market demands. A good established print company can design, print, and deliver fresh posters to your business within days of ordering.

Brand Awareness

One of the main aims of your company marketing is to get your corporate name and image known – everyone understands the value of constant brand reinforcement in the marketplace. It is important to get your company logo, colours, and message in front of your customers as often as possible – but just using the same images and marketing materials all the time can become bland and therefore ineffective. Digital poster printing offers the opportunity to regularly update your images and message at an affordable cost! Varying the colour schemes, using different design images, whilst retaining your core brand image on posters can keep your brand image fresh and interesting. Poster printing allows you to deliver the important consistent brand identity in varying, fresh formats and images on a regular basis, keeping your customers informed and engaged, and building a trust between your business and its customers.

Efficiency and Quality

With the modern printing methods your professional print company can produce smaller print runs at affordable costs, whilst providing the same high-quality imagery and finish that you would expect from the traditionally more expensive bigger volume print runs. Poster printing delivers quality advertising in a convenient and affordable manner with an impressive and professional finish. Another of the advantages of digital poster printing is the access to different methods and finishes of print – for example, a poster printing run that utilises foil printing can produce a ‘stand-out’ appearance by providing a uniquely vibrant image that adds a high-end quality finish to your posters.

Working with a professional print company, and utilising their in-house knowledge, expertise, and experience to help you with every aspect of your digital poster printing from design and materials to the most impressive finish, can reap rich rewards for a minimal outlay – few marketing mediums can match the value for money of poster advertising.