How business stationary can promote your business

letterhead printing london

If you want your business to exude authority, accountability, and professionalism, there is no better way than through branded business stationary. Branded business stationary delivers the message that your company thinks about every detail and aspect of the business, especially the finer details. By simply having your own letterhead, you are boosting your credentials tenfold. You are reminding people of your business and you are reinforcing your stance as a company. Let’s take a closer look:

Boost your brand identity

Business stationary is so much more than just a place to stamp your company logo. It’s a way for customers to recognise you and your prospects. So, the way you choose to present yourself on business stationary needs serious thought; giving consideration to the font, colour and size, to ensure it works alongside your current branding and builds upon it to enhance your brand identity.

Business stationary creates a more official product, and great business stationary can make a strong first impression with customers, reinforcing your brand identity. It doesn’t have to work just for customers either – have your stationary within easy view around the workplace so your brand identity is at the forefront of everyone’s minds.

More often than not, business stationary is the first thing people will see from you and your business, so the image needs to be consistent with the rest of your branding. People need to recognise who you are. Ensure all elements match each other, from signage to website to business stationary. By having a consistent catalogue of marketing tools your image should easily communicate your unique branding.

Why your stationary says you care about the finer details

Business stationary says a lot about a company – most importantly, your attitude to the finer details. Choosing business stationary with your branding, illustrates you are a company that thinks about every aspect of the job. Every printed letterhead and memo you send out projects your image as a company, so you want one that projects professionalism and accountability. This is something standard stationary simply cannot provide.

In a world where everyone is fighting to stay afloat, branded business stationary can be the difference between zero customers to a plethora of customers. Consider different finishes to give that something extra, from embossing the logo, to the choice of colours. Done right, this extra effort can only reflect positively on your brand and your business.

Back up your networking efforts with branding

Even in today’s society, the most effective form of marketing is through word-of-mouth. By networking with customers and other professionals you can get yourself known out there, building connections with other businesses in your field and strengthening relationships and new opportunities. Of course, networking also requires branded stationary such as business cards to truly help you and your business. Once you’ve given the right impression to someone, you want them to have something professional to take away from the event and remember you and your services should they wish to use you in the future.

Branded business stationary makes you more memorable and has a higher chance of brand recognition and customer retention. Ensure you have your logo or company name and contact details on each piece. There’s no point being memorable if people can not then contact you after the event. Complimentary slips are also a good way of providing information to people in a subtle and professional manner; creating a long-lasting impression.

DL Graphics – who are we and how can we help?

DL Graphics are a printing company in London. From concept to client, we at DL Graphics have it covered. Established in 1989, we have been trading and evolving for 32 years, specialising in creative & artwork, print & distribution, and interactive & online. So, if you’re in the market for some branded business stationary, from business cards, complimentary slips, envelopes and letterhead printing in London, or are simply looking for inspiration, our online print shop is the place for you! Call us on 02072423337 or email or use our contact form and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

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